Friday, December 4, 2009

Living in Sin is the New Thing

"Six months of experiance freely given. And people say I'm not nice."

My inability to 'pretend to look busy' is really starting to become a problem. Just half an hour before going back, a manager asked me to do some grunt work. He must have heard somewhere that I have the ability to drive, so he sent me out to the middle of nowhere to vouch some documents.

The instructions were easy enough, go to the client and vouch everything, they would have prepared everything to vouch by the time I got there. Easy. Yeah right, from my vast 6months experience, I know that nothing as simple as it may seem is straight forward. There's always gonna be some problem or another.

So the next day, I woke up realizing that it was raining. Great. If normal days weren't bad enough with the traffic, the rain made it ten times worse. Just woke up for 2minutes and the day has gotten off to a bad start.

As I guessed, the traffic was horrible. Should have gotten there in an 45 minutes, but the rain+jam made it 1 and a half. Even though the manager gave me very vague directions, my GPS like brain made it no problem to get to the area. The only problem was when I actually got there. I have no idea how you could get the name of the Company wrong. Spent 20 minutes looking for a non-existent name.

The real shock came when I had to do the vouching. To my complete and absolute surprise there was no problem what so ever. All the documents were prepared like they said they would. Everything was there, nothing missing. So all I had to do was vouch. Damn, miracles do happen. To make things even more better, the food at the canteen was not only excellent, it was damn cheap. So after a bad start to the day, it actually went pretty well.

So, all in all, a pretty perfect audit I would have to say. Even had time to hang out with freinds at Hakim and drink Teh O Suam. Nothing better than a hot cup of Teh O Suam on a rainny day. Getting back also was no problem. The first time using this one route to avoid the traffic. Got out the toll, straight away found the road that would lead me to the office. Nice.

It was a good 20minutes later that I realized that while I was on the correct road, I was going the opposite direction.

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