Monday, October 26, 2009

ViVa La Domestication!

"6 cups of coffee isn't good for you some people say, but then again so is smoking, drinking and having a girlfriend, yet we can't seem to stop now can we?"

The word domestication seems to want to stick in my memory. Why? I have no idea. All I know is that whenever I hear the word "domestication", I think of those sexy french maids. And thus, there you get the title of this post. ViVa la Domestication!

It's been a while since I've written anything and nowadays most of the post are just pictures I took (don't worry, there's still a picture here), but there has been some issues popping up around me that I just have to give my views on. It concerns the youth of this nation and also the future generations. It's something that has to be pointed out so that everyone can see it in plain view.

But before I write about the ills that have befallen us, here's a random picture taken by me. Who? Well, it's me. Doing what? sitting bored on the monorail going somewhere. Where? I don't really remember. That's my random picture of the day. Untill I get off my lazy ass and go somewhere that's picture worthy, there's gonna be a lot more self taken pictures. Laziness... it's a gift, and a curse.

I've been around and about for around twenty plus years and I believe I've gathered some knowledge of how the world works and through my astute observations I have noticed that people are getting married quite young these day. Just recently, three of my friends have gotten hitched. Gave away their freedom for responsibilities. Responsibilities... the word gives me goosebumps. It seems the trend now is to work for at least a year, save a bit of money, then get married. Why would you wanna do that? That money should be put to better use, use it on something more worthwhile, like a dslr camera(ehem2), a PS3(in my list of future buys) or even a flat screen tv to play the PS3 on. From being my money and my money alone, now it's what's yours is mine. Sharing is caring....
I'm not against marriage or anything, but what's the rush... don't waste your youth on responsibilities, enjoy life. Responsibilities are for old people. Thirty somethings. Or at least 28 somethings. This epidemic seems to be spreading fast and wide and before you know it.......... it's like they say, "youth is wasted on the young".

Remember those lazy Saturday mornings when you got up early to watch the Saturday morning cartoons. Shows like the Road runner show, Ninja Turtles and even to some extent Pokemon and Digimon. Cartoon shows with absolutely no substance. Times were simple, we were easily entertained with seeing a coyote get hit by a train week in and week out. Shows that are perfect for TV. But it seems those lazy Saturdays and Sunday mornings are no more. Children are no longer watching mindless cartoons. And with satellite TV invading our homes now, you would expect these kids to be in front of the TV 24/7 watching crap loads of Cartoon Network or Disney. The sad thing is they're not. They're tuning into channels like TVIQ. What you say? you heard me, TVIQ. Show's like How to? or Clever (you kidding me? Clever). What are these parents teaching their kids nowadays? The TV is called the idiot box for a reason, if you wanted to learn something...Go read a book!

(I'll just like to add that there's absolutely no point of having a preview button if the preview looks nothing like the actual post)

1 comment:

LuMa said...

I guess it depends on the situation, maybe the person is in love. But then again, how would I understand what real love is like, I'm only 18. So I guess I agree with you, marriage should be left until ur willing to give ur freedom away and be ready to handle bigger resposibilities. Meaning, once ur older, have a career settled, and been with your love longer than just a couple of years. For me, that would be around 30-35...for you?