Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sing a Happy, Happy, Happy song

"Two full days of The Simpson's Halloween marathon show can not be good for my brain cells. I think I can feel myself getting dumber by the minute. It's time to stop watching when Marge Simpson and her tall blue hair starts to look attractive"

This is my fridge a few months ago. I missed the times when it was always full of Tropicana fruit juices. Those were the times.

I'll just like to point out that even though the world is in a right mess nowadays, most of the people I know seem to be happy and content with their lives. Happy here, happy there, annoyingly happy facebook statuses. I don't think I can stomach it any longer. I'm no killjoy or anything and I can appreciate a little happiness now and again but this over following of happiness just doesn't seem right. It's like the calm before the storm. The light bulbs always brightest before going out.

Maybe I'm just thinking a little to much into all of this and it's really nothing or maybe it's because I just don't like to see happy people. I have my reasons, don't ask.

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