Thursday, February 10, 2011

Life Happens

"Home is a sacred place for sleeping. I will not desecrate its sacredness by working there"

Today as I was heading back to the office I just happened to come across five bucks just laying there on the ground. Without so much of a second thought, I picked it up, put in my wallet and forgot all about it.

After work while driving back, I suddenly remembered the five bucks I found. Then I remembered something that happened when I was at school a few ('few' is understating it) years back. Same situation, found ten bucks laying on the ground, looked around to see if anybody had dropped it, not seeing anyone, picked it up, put it in my wallet and then gave the ten bucks to charity.

What ever happened to that kid?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well the truth is the kid is no longer exist..
think back, its not just 'that' 5 bucks became your victim, even 1 dollar found when queuing to pay parking fees became your victim after you pick it up and put it in your pocket..haha..oh, its even recorded..damn!!

yours truthfully,
the witness