Saturday, May 23, 2009

Reason? You don't really need one...

It's funny how politics can turn the most civil minded and down to earth people into complete hypocrites. I'm not going to go into any details because this blog is dedicated to writing about complete and utter crap, and politics is not that. It's beneath that. But sadly, we can't escape politics, it's here to stay.

In a completely irrelevant turn...........

Ever noticed how when you sometimes speak of a movie, there's this one image/scene that keeps on popping into your mind. When you talk about Braveheart, the first thing you think about is a blue faced Mel Gibson screaming about freedom to wear a man skirt, or King Kong on top of the Empire State building swatting annoying airplanes. Who could forget the romantic images of "Look Jack, I can fly" of Titanic (or in my case, the "I want you to draw me with this, only this" scene). Mostly, the images that come to your mind, more or less deals with the spirit or theme of the whole film. But there are some images that are completely irrelevant to the film but for some weird reason, become the main focal point of the film.

Here's one said example..........

Transformers.... the blockbuster event of 2007 ( I didn't like it that much personally). The first thing that should pop in your mind when thinking about the Transformers movie should be robots or at least cars that turn into robots. But, oddly that's not the case. From the survey I've done (yes, I have that much time on my hands) 90% of people stated that the first image that pops into their minds is...

The Megan Fox car scene.

It's true... don't fool yourself by denying it. Doesn't really need any explaining now does it? It's the same for both men and women.

In light of the next robot in disguise film. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, I would like to post the next image that would burn and stay locked in your minds till the next Transformers movie.

Or maybe just till the next Megan Fox flick.......

The Megan Fox motorcyle scene. (personally, I like this one better)

If you haven't noticed yet, I just needed a reason to post pictures of Megan Fox.

1 comment:

wani said...

mana ada politiknya, megan fox je lebih.

"If you haven't noticed yet, I just needed a reason to post pictures of Megan Fox."

i've noticed that. you really asked people about that under-the-hood scene? man, i should've acted all coy and mentioned another scene instead.


i tried to watch the movie, but i always fell asleep before everyone boarded the ship. i think i lasted about 10 minutes before i went zzzzzz..... i lacked the cheesiness needed to watch that movie. you didn't have that problem though. hmmm.