Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Art of Pretending to Look Busy

"I actually think I'm allergic to work. I wonder how I can get paid to do absolutely nothing. If only my last name was Hilton"

I'm writing this today because I'm bored. There's nothing to do in the office and there's no one around to talk to. My first ever subordinate ditched me to spend the whole day asleep in bed. I wished I had thought of that this morning.
Supposed to be doing a new job, but because of some technicalities, it wont start till Thursday. So I'm sitting all alone with my 5th cup of coffee. Last week I was lucky enough to get to sit at the managers area (which suited me very find I would say), and with it all the perks of the managerial pantry area. The coffee somehow tastes a lot better (They wouldn't buy different brands of coffee for different levels of employees now would they? or wouldn't they?).

My lack of skills in pretending I'm busy has gone and bitten me in the ass again. I got called in to do some grunt work. Checking 30 copies of reports to see if the page numbering are sequential. (Your lucky your on leave today intern, if not I would have passed it to you). My lack of enthusiasm seems to have been noticed by the senior (or is she?) and now she's giving me the evil eye. Who would have thought that the numbering weren't sequential. The pages 5 and 6 were mixed up. WOW! I just earned my pay for today. Who knows what sorta trouble would have come knocking if I hadn't noticed it.

Grunt work not quite finished yet, but I'm off to lunch. It isn't any fun eating without your friends, so I'll just buy some sardine bread at the nearby 7-11 and something else.

Sardine bread finished, now I'm off for my 2 minutes of alone time where I usually reflect on what I have achieved thus far in life. The 2 minute time frame is indicator enough to how much I have actually achieved in life. Nuff said.

Resume grunt work. Maybe if I finish early with this I can practise on perfecting my 'pretending to be busy' look. But before that, coffee number 6.

Grunt work finish. Since I've already earned my pay for the day, i'll just wait till 5.30pm and go back. 2.01pm???? wth? I thought it was 3.00pm already. Damn it.

No such luck, just got tons of work. Might not even get to go back early today. Just my luck.
Well, at least it's actual work.

Finished with work, wasn't as much as I first thought. Looks like I'll be going back early as planned. What? A call from home.... No hot dinner waiting for me when I get back??? This is unheard of. Ah well, McD it is then. Or maybe Subway.... but Subway don't have any side orders.... how bout KFC.... Mapley la easier and value for money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poor thing, sorry boss. busu hilton sounds kinda cool!