Monday, November 2, 2009

A day in the life...........

Date: Nov 2, 2009.

Dear Diary...

Where shall I start.. Today is not a productive day so far. To begin with, I was hungry and eager for lunch as early as 9a.m..This is how I look like early in the morning..Notice the saliva, yes I'm that hungry...Tapi I still look macho kan?Don't u think so?? :)

Tunggu punya tunggu, suddenly dah lunch time..yahooo!! I'm always the first one out sharp at 1230p.m. tapi my friends selalu lambat..toilet lah makeup lah blog lah.. Girlsss *roll eyes*.. Eh c0p, before i proceed to my lunch story, this is where i work literally...

Lunch time, nyummyyy my fav time of the day..Oh yes! Traffic is quite hectic around the office but then again time ni lah nak posing tengah jalan kan..What do u think of my pose? My first attempt to become a billboard model :)

FYI this piece of arse doesn't come easy.. Jalan jauh in search of food can do wonders to your body.. x percaya see for urself.. ;D

So i decided to have lunch here.. (x payah cerita panjang.. the pic can speak for itself)......

Location: Lotus Hotel Restaurant
Menu: Macam macam ada


Lepas kenyang I decided to lepak at MJ Mall.. where I bought waffle and ice cream.. Gotta keep on feeding the body and the arseeee :P For those of you who's not familiar with MJ Mall, this is how it looks like.. Macho kan?

Lepak2 pun it ain't fun if you are lonely :(

Alamak time's up!!130p.m. je kena balik office.. This way back to "boredville"..

And so just like that my lunch break is over.. It's back to being a slave to money again.. Sigh.. Bila lah aku nak rajin..

Apa macam? Best kan?? How all of you wish your life is like mine.. Muahahahaha. Peace!! Go hijau!!

- xoxo, credits to Gossip Girls.

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