Thursday, November 26, 2009

Good Luck for the Future

"A special shout out to my intern, feel free to write on here anytime. You're always welcome. And one more thing, if you never ever listen to anything I say after this, just listen to this. DO YOUR ACCAs FULL TIME. Ok, it's been nice knowing you. Don't be a stranger."

Since all the talk is about New Moon nowadays, I think it's only right that I give my two cents worth on the subject.

Yes, I have watched the movie. With who? I would like to say some hot babe, but that would be stretching it a bit.
Usually when it comes to movies from books, I prefer to read the original first before seeing the adaptation on film, but with Twilight, it's an exception since it took me 2 whole months just to finish the book. Yes, it was that bad. The movie? I just watched it on tv a few days ago for the first time. Yes, still bad. Well, enough about Twilight, lets move on to New Moon.

Straight out I would like to say I was pleasantly surprised. Came with zero hope what so ever but it turned out not bad.

Let me just list down a few of the negatives first:
1) Jacob Black really need to get some acting lessons.
2) The pacing of the story needs some work. It lags in certain parts then in the best bits it goes by too fast.
3) The movie lacks a dominant baddie.
4) Edward is a douche.

Four negatives is enough for now I think. Now for something I never thought I would say... the good thing about New Moon. The first movie with just Bella and Edward was barf inducing. I can see why the girls would like it, but for guys, I think they would prefer a swift kick 'where the sun don't shine' than watching Twilight. But in New Moon, the whole Jacob Black character gives the movie a whole new dimension. It really has loads of potential. I enjoyed the bits where its Jacob and Bella cause there was actual life in the story. But the moment Edward gets in the picture again, it turns back into a snore fest. I love you, you love me.... ZzZZzzZzzz....

Oh yeah, one more thing... it felt really uncomfortable watching a bunch of half naked guy run around in the woods for 2 hours.

Well that's it, I never thought I would enjoy it but maybe that's what I get for hanging around a bunch of girls for the past 6 months. Just go into the movie with zero expectations........

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